CNRS researcher
Paris-Saclay University

Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, bât. 510
gilles.montambaux at

Research topics

Electronic properties of mesoscopic systems, disorder, interactions and phase coherence in condensed matter, physics in low dimension, superconductivity, hybrid systems, graphene, physics of Dirac points,artificial graphenes (microwaves, ultracold atoms, polaritons, etc.)

As the field increases, the Landau level spacing increases (diamagnetism), the Landau degeneracy increases (eB/h). This is possible thanks to the edges : the energy of the edge states decreases (edge states are paramagnetic)  and the edge states become progressively bulk Landau states.

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Recent publications here :

or as follows :

Short CV in english, in french

Notice de travaux, en français