PhD and Habilitations of the group are listed here.
Sun, Y, Weiss, L R, Derkach, V, Anthony, J E, Monteverde, M, and Chepelianskii, A D 2023 Spin-dependent recombination mechanisms for quintet biexcitons generated through singlet fission. Physical Review B, 108(15): 155405. DOI:
Vallejo Bustamante, J, Ribeiro-Palau, R, Fermon, C, Pannetier-Lecoeur, M, Watanabe, K, Tanigushi, T, Deblock, R, Guéron, S, Ferrier, M, Fuchs, J-N, Montambaux, G, Piéchon, F, and Bouchiat, H 2023 Paramagnetic Singularities of the Orbital Magnetism in Graphene with a Moiré Potential. Physical Review Letters, 131(11): 116201. DOI:
Chepelianskii, A D, Majumdar, S N, Schawe, H, and Trizac, E 2023 Singular relaxation of a random walk in a box with a Metropolis Monte Carlo dynamics. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 56(25): 255003. DOI:
Ansel, Q, Chepelianskii, A D, and Lages, J 2023 Enhancing quantum exchanges between two oscillators. Physical Review A, 107(4): 042609. DOI:
Bernard, A, Peng, Y, Kasumov, A, Deblock, R, Ferrier, M, Fortuna, F, Volkov, V T, Kasumov, Yu A, Oreg, Y, von Oppen, F, Bouchiat, H, and Guéron, S 2023 Long-lived Andreev states as evidence for protected hinge modes in a bismuth nanoring Josephson junction. Nature Physics, 19: 358. DOI:
Bouchiat, H and Guéron, S 2023 Characterizing the helical Andreev states of a second-order topological insulator. Nature Physics. DOI:
Wakamura, T, Guéron, S, and Bouchiat, H 2022 Novel transport phenomena in graphene induced by strong spin-orbit interaction. COMPTES RENDUS PHYSIQUE, 22: 145–162.
Vallejo Bustamante, J, Wu, N J, Fermon, C, Pannetier-Lecoeur, M, Wakamura, T, Watanabe, K, Taniguchi, T, Pellegrin, T, Bernard, A, Daddinounou, S, Bouchiat, V, Guéron, S, Ferrier, M, Montambaux, G, and Bouchiat, H 2021 Detection of graphene’s divergent orbital diamagnetism at the Dirac point. Science, 374(6573): 1399–1402. DOI:
Chepelianskii, A D, Majumdar, S N, Schawe, H, and Trizac, E 2021 One-dimensional Monte Carlo dynamics at zero temperature. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 54(48): 485001. DOI:
Dou, Z, Wakamura, T, Virtanen, P, Wu, N-J, Deblock, R, Autier-Laurent, S, Watanabe, K, Taniguchi, T, Guéron, S, Bouchiat, H, and Ferrier, M 2021 Microwave photoassisted dissipation and supercurrent of a phase-biased graphene-superconductor ring. Physical Review Research, 3(3): L032009. DOI:
Chepelianskii, A D, Konstantinov, D, and Dykman, M I 2021 Many-Electron System on Helium and Color Center Spectroscopy. Physical Review Letters, 127(1): 016801. DOI:
Watfa, D, Delagrange, R, Kadlecová, A, Ferrier, M, Kasumov, A Yu, Bouchiat, H, and Deblock, R 2021 Collapse of the Josephson Emission in a Carbon Nanotube Junction in the Kondo Regime. Physical Review Letters, 126(12): 126801. DOI:
Zadorozhko, A A, Chen, J, Chepelianskii, A D, and Konstantinov, D 2021 Motional quantum states of surface electrons on liquid helium in a tilted magnetic field. Physical Review B, 103(5): 054507. DOI:
Terasawa, D, Norimoto, S, Arakawa, T, Ferrier, M, Fukuda, A, Kobayashi, K, and Hirayama, Y 2021 Large Zeeman Splitting in Out-of-Plane Magnetic Field in a Double-Layer Quantum Point Contact. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 90(2): 024709. DOI:
Chepelianskii, A D, Papoular, D, Konstantinov, D, Bouchiat, H, and Kono, K 2021 Coupled pair of one- and two-dimensional magnetoplasmons on electrons on helium. Physical Review B, 103(7): 075420. DOI:
Hata, T, Teratani, Y, Arakawa, T, Lee, S, Ferrier, M, Deblock, R, Sakano, R, Oguri, A, and Kobayashi, K 2021 Three-body correlations in nonlinear response of correlated quantum liquid. Nature Communications, 12(1): 3233. DOI:
Wakamura, T, Wu, N J, Chepelianskii, A D, Guéron, S, Och, M, Ferrier, M, Taniguchi, T, Watanabe, K, Mattevi, C, and Bouchiat, H 2020 Spin-Orbit-Enhanced Robustness of Supercurrent in Graphene / WS 2 Josephson Junctions. Physical Review Letters, 125(26): 266801. DOI:
Murani, A, Sengupta, S, Kasumov, A Yu, Deblock, R, Celle, C, Simonato, J-P, Bouchiat, H, and Guéron, S 2020 Long- to short-junction crossover and field-reentrant critical current in Al/Ag-nanowires/Al Josephson junctions. Physical Review B, 102(21): 214506. DOI:
Teratani, Y, Sakano, R, Hata, T, Arakawa, T, Ferrier, M, Kobayashi, K, and Oguri, A 2020 Field-induced SU(4) to SU(2) Kondo crossover in a half-filling nanotube dot: Spectral and finite-temperature properties. Physical Review B, 102(16): 165106. DOI:
Terasawa, D, Norimoto, S, Arakawa, T, Ferrier, M, Fukuda, A, Kobayashi, K, and Hirayama, Y 2020 Conductance quantization and shot noise of a double-layer quantum point contact. Physical Review B, 101(11): 115401. DOI:
Lahiri, A, Hata, T, Smirnov, S, Ferrier, M, Arakawa, T, Niklas, M, Marganska, M, Kobayashi, K, and Grifoni, M 2020 Unraveling a concealed resonance by multiple Kondo transitions in a quantum dot. Physical Review B, 101(4): 041102. DOI:
Ferrier, M, Delagrange, R, Basset, J, Bouchiat, H, Arakawa, T, Hata, T, Fujiwara, R, Teratani, Y, Sakano, R, Oguri, A, Kobayashi, K, and Deblock, R 2020 Quantum Noise in Carbon Nanotubes as a Probe of Correlations in the Kondo Regime. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 201(5–6): 738–771. DOI:
Wakamura, T, Reale, F, Palczynski, P, Zhao, M Q, Johnson, A T C, Guéron, S, Mattevi, C, Ouerghi, A, and Bouchiat, H 2019 Spin-orbit interaction induced in graphene by transition metal dichalcogenides. Physical Review B, 99(24): 245402. DOI:
Yunusova, K M, Konstantinov, D, Bouchiat, H, and Chepelianskii, A D 2019 Coupling between Rydberg States and Landau Levels of Electrons Trapped on Liquid Helium. Physical Review Letters, 122(17): 176802. DOI:
Basset, J, Watfa, D, Aiello, G, Féchant, M, Morvan, A, Esteve, J, Gabelli, J, Aprili, M, Weil, R, Kasumov, A Yu, Bouchiat, H, and Deblock, R 2019 High kinetic inductance microwave resonators made by He-Beam assisted deposition of tungsten nanowires. Applied Physics Letters, 114(10): 102601. DOI:
Murani, A, Dassonneville, B, Kasumov, A Yu, Basset, J, Ferrier, M, Deblock, R, Guéron, S, and Bouchiat, H 2019 Microwave Signature of Topological Andreev level Crossings in a Bismuth-based Josephson Junction. Physical Review Letters, 122(7): 076802. DOI:
Chepelianskii, A D, Watanabe, M, and Kono, K 2019 Can Warmer than Room Temperature Electrons Levitate Above a Liquid Helium Surface? Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 195(3–4): 307–318. DOI:
Hata, T, Delagrange, R, Arakawa, T, Lee, S, Deblock, R, Bouchiat, H, Kobayashi, K, and Ferrier, M 2018 Enhanced Shot Noise of Multiple Andreev Reflections in a Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dot in SU(2) and SU(4) Kondo regimes. Physical Review Letters, 121(24): 247703. DOI:
Chiodi, F, Bayliss, S L, Barast, L, Débarre, D, Bouchiat, H, Friend, R H, and Chepelianskii, A D 2018 Room temperature magneto-optic effect in silicon light-emitting diodes. Nature Communications, 9(1): 398. DOI:
Dobretsova, A A, Chepelianskii, A D, Mikhailov, N N, and Kvon, Z D 2018 Spin mixing between subbands and extraordinary Landau-level shift in wide HgTe quantum wells. Physical Review B, 98(15): 155310. DOI:
Bayliss, S L, Weiss, L R, Mitioglu, A, Galkowski, K, Yang, Z, Yunusova, K, Surrente, A, Thorley, K J, Behrends, J, Bittl, R, Anthony, J E, Rao, A, Friend, R H, Plochocka, P, Christianen, P C M, Greenham, N C, and Chepelianskii, A D 2018 Site-selective measurement of coupled spin pairs in an organic semiconductor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(20): 5077–5082. DOI:
Dassonneville, B, Murani, A, Ferrier, M, Guéron, S, and Bouchiat, H 2018 Coherence-enhanced phase-dependent dissipation in long SNS Josephson junctions: Revealing Andreev bound state dynamics. Physical Review B, 97(18): 184505. DOI:
Henck, H, Ben Aziza, Z, Pierucci, D, Laourine, F, Reale, F, Palczynski, P, Chaste, J, Silly, M G, Bertran, F, Le Fèvre, P, Lhuillier, E, Wakamura, T, Mattevi, C, Rault, J E, Calandra, M, and Ouerghi, A 2018 Electronic band structure of Two-Dimensional WS 2 /Graphene van der Waals Heterostructures. Physical Review B, 97(15): 155421. DOI:
Chepelianskii, A D and Shepelyansky, D L 2018 Floquet theory of microwave absorption by an impurity in the two-dimensional electron gas. Physical Review B, 97(12): 125415. DOI:
Wakamura, T, Reale, F, Palczynski, P, Guéron, S, Mattevi, C, and Bouchiat, H 2018 Strong Anisotropic Spin-Orbit Interaction Induced in Graphene by Monolayer WS 2. Physical Review Letters, 120(10): 106802. DOI:
Trif, M, Dmytruk, O, Bouchiat, H, Aguado, R, and Simon, P 2018 Dynamic current susceptibility as a probe of Majorana bound states in nanowire-based Josephson junctions. Physical Review B, 97(4): 041415. DOI:
Schindler, F, Wang, Z, Vergniory, M G, Cook, A M, Murani, A, Sengupta, S, Kasumov, A Yu, Deblock, R, Jeon, S, Drozdov, I, Bouchiat, H, Guéron, S, Yazdani, A, Bernevig, B A, and Neupert, T 2018 Higher-order topology in bismuth. Nature Physics, 14(9): 918–924. DOI:
Delagrange, R, Weil, R, Kasumov, A Yu, Ferrier, M, Bouchiat, H, and Deblock, R 2018 0 − π Quantum transition in a carbon nanotube Josephson junction: Universal phase dependence and orbital degeneracy. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 536: 211–222. DOI:
Delagrange, R, Basset, J, Bouchiat, H, and Deblock, R 2018 Emission noise and high frequency cut-off of the Kondo effect in a quantum dot, 97(4): Physical Review B. DOI:
Murani, A, Chepelianskii, A D, Guéron, S, and Bouchiat, H 2017 Andreev spectrum with high spin-orbit interactions: Revealing spin splitting and topologically protected crossings. Physical Review B, 96(16): 165415. DOI:
Murani, A, Kasumov, A, Sengupta, S, Kasumov, Y A, Volkov, V T, Khodos, I I, Brisset, F, Delagrange, R, Chepelianskii, A D, Deblock, R, Bouchiat, H, and Guéron, S 2017 Ballistic edge states in Bismuth nanowires revealed by SQUID interferometry. Nature Communications, 8: 15941. DOI:
Ferrier, M, Arakawa, T, Hata, T, Fujiwara, R, Delagrange, R, Deblock, R, Teratani, Y, Sakano, R, Oguri, A, and Kobayashi, K 2017 Quantum Fluctuations along Symmetry Crossover in a Kondo-Correlated Quantum Dot. Physical Review Letters, 118(19): 196803. DOI:
Charlier, P, Weil, R, Deblock, R, Augias, A, and Deo, S 2017 Helium ion microscopy (HIM): Proof of the applicability on altered human remains (hairs of Holy Maria-Magdalena). Legal Medicine, 24: 84–85. DOI:
Volkov, V T, Kasumov, A Yu, and Khodos, I I 2017 Formation and possible growth mechanism of bismuth nanowires on various substrates. Applied Physics A, 123(8): Article number: 503. DOI:
Teratani, Y, Sakano, R, Fujiwara, R, Hata, T, Arakawa, T, Ferrier, M, Kobayashi, K, and Oguri, A 2016 Field-Enhanced Kondo Correlations in a Half-Filling Nanotube Dot: Evolution of an SU( N ) Fermi-Liquid Fixed Point. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 85(9): 094718. DOI:
Li, C, Guéron, S, Chepelianskii, A D, and Bouchiat, H 2016 Full range of proximity effect probed with superconductor/graphene/superconductor junctions. Physical Review B, 94(11): 115405. DOI:
Bayliss, S L, Weiss, L R, Rao, A, Friend, R H, Chepelianskii, A D, and Greenham, N C 2016 Spin signatures of exchange-coupled triplet pairs formed by singlet fission. Physical Review B, 94(4): 045204. DOI:
Delagrange, R, Weil, R, Kasumov, A Yu, Ferrier, M, Bouchiat, H, and Deblock, R 2016 0- π quantum transition in a carbon nanotube Josephson junction: Universal phase dependence and orbital degeneracy. Physical Review B, 93(19): 195437. DOI:
Muro, T, Nishihara, Y, Norimoto, S, Ferrier, M, Arakawa, T, Kobayashi, K, Ihn, T, Rössler, C, Ensslin, K, Reichl, C, and Wegscheider, W 2016 Finite shot noise and electron heating at quantized conductance in high-mobility quantum point contacts. Physical Review B, 93(19): 195411. DOI:
Li, C, Komatsu, K, Bertrand, S, Clavé, G, Campidelli, S, Filoramo, A, Guéron, S, and Bouchiat, H 2016 Signature of gate-tunable magnetism in graphene grafted with Pt-porphyrins. Physical Review B, 93(4): 045403. DOI: