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Keywords: Electron microscopy, EDS, EELS, Cathodoluminescence, Electron diffraction, III-V and III-N nanostructures, Diamond, 2D materials, Instrumentation Short description: Luiz Tizei has a Bachelor in Physics (2005) from the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil). In 2008, he finished his master's degree at UNICAMP. His dissertation was supervised by Prof. Daniel Ugarte and was focused on quantitative analysis of atomically resolved transmission electron microscopy images of III-V semiconductors. In 2011, he obtained his PhD from the IFGW at UNICAMP under the supervision of Prof. Daniel Ugarte and Prof. Mônica Cotta (co-advisor), with a thesis concentrated on the chemical and physical properties of III-V semiconductor nanowires. He then joined the STEM group at the LPS (Orsay, France) for a post-doc between 2011 and 2013, during which he built a light intensity interferometer to detect single photon sources excited by fast electrons (cathodoluminescence) in an electron microscope. The first demonstration of this effect in NV0 centers in diamonds was achieved in late 2012. In late 2013 he left the STEM group and joined Kazu Suenaga at the AIST (Tsukuba, Japan) for a post-doc, during which he studied the physical and chemical properties of low dimensionality structures (single atoms, carbon nanotubes, atomic chains, 2D monolayers) using electron microscopy techniques. In December 2014 he was hired by the CNRS to work at the LPS. His research is focused on the development of electron spectroscopy techniques and their application to nanooptics. Particularly, he is active in the study of the optical response (absorption and emission) of nanostructures in the middle infrared to ultraviolet range. Luiz Tizei received his habilitation (HDR) from Université Paris-Saclay in September 2021.