
Anushree DATTA24M. Goerbig
Alfonso MAIELLARO9P. Simon, A. MesarosDynamics of spin-1 chains
Soumen KUMAR BAGM. Civelli
Lorenzo FRATINOM. RozenbergPseudogap and Mott transition
Jonathan ATTEIA24 M. GoerbigHall skyrmions
Daniele GUERCI24P. SimonLight-matter interaction
Dibya MUKHERJEE24M. GoerbigWeyl semimetals
Claudia FERREIRO CÓRDOVA12G. FoffiComputational Soft Matter Physics
Cyril MARTINS12M. Gabay and M. RozenbergAb initio oxytronics and oxygene gaps
Mircea TRIF11.5P. SimonQuantum electrodynamics of a quantum conductor : from microwaves to optical photons
Juho LINTUVUORI24Computational Soft Matter Physics
Saumyadeep ROY CHOUDHURY1R. BotetDiffusion de lumière par des particules nanométriques fractales

PhDs (2013-2024)

AdvisorThesis (link to full-text)
Francesco ROTELLAM. Civelli, A.-M. TremblayTheoretical methods for the role of correlations on high-Tc superconductivity
Florian SIMONM. Goerbig, M. Gabay, C. MoriceBand quantum geometry and electronic correlations
Jiaming WUM. RozenbergA modular dynamic Neuro-Synaptic platform for Spiking Neural Networks
Baptiste ANSELME MARTINP. Simon, M. RancicRésoudre le problème quantique à N-corps à l’aide de calculateurs quantiques
Mateo ULDEMOLINSA. Mesaros, P. Simon, H. AubinTheoretical modeling and analysis of impurity-bound states in superconductors
Marina TORRES LÁZAROG. Foffi, F. SmallenburgLiquid crystal self-organization of colloids in complex environments
Rodolfo ROCCOM. RozenbergNeuromorphic properties of Mott materials under an electric field
Jean-Baptiste TOUCHAISP. Simon and A. MesarosÉtats topologiques issus d’un couplage spin-orbite inhomogène
Vivien PERRINP. Simon and M. CivelliEtude du transport électronique dans les états liés intra-gap au sein de supraconducteurs
Ansgar GRAFM. Goerbig and M. Gabay and F.PiéchonAspects des systèmes multibandes: Géométrie quantique, bandes plates et fermions multiples
Etienne FAYENG. Foffi and F. SmallenburgQuasicrystal self-assembly in 2D hard-sphere mixtures
Xin LUM. GoerbigDirac equation approach to the spectroscopic properties of topological materials
Saheli MITRAG. FoffiModifications structurelles des verres sous déformation périodique par cisaillement
Susana MARÍN AGUILARG. FoffiLocal structure and dynamics of dense colloidal systems : from patchy particles to hard spheres
Pierre BRUNEELM. GabayPropriétés électroniques et spintroniques des interfaces entre oxydes de métaux de transition
Maxime GARNIERP. SimonLes textures magnétiques pour la supraconductivité topologique
Kang YANGM. GoerbigFractional Quantum Hall Effect
Manali VIVEKM. GabayTopological states on surfaces and interfaces of perovskite transition metal oxides
Frédéric COMBESJ.-N. FuchsSpin-waves in cold-atomic gases, electric polarisation of crystals and orbital magnetism
Yunlong LIANM. GoerbigSkyrmions in quantum Hall systems
Oscar NÁJERA OCAMPOM. Rozenberg and M. CivelliStudy of the dimer Hubbard Model within Dynamical Mean Field Theory and its application to VO₂
Serguei TCHOUMAKOVM. Goerbig and M. CivelliSignatures relativistes en spectroscopie de matériaux topologiques : en volume et en surface
Nicolas MACÉA. JagannathanElectronic properties of quasicrystals
Vardan KALADZHYANP. Simon and C. BenaSpin polarisation and topological properties of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states
Arnaud RAOUXG. MontambauxMagnétisme orbital et aspects géométriques de la théorie des bandes
Sébastien GUISSARTP. SimonDe l’impureté Kondo aux états liés dans les supraconducteurs
Olesia DMYTRUKP. SimonQuantum transport in a correlated nanostructure coupled to a microwave cavity
Nicolas THIEBAUTM. GoerbigEffet Hall quantique fractionnaire dans la bicouche et le puits large
Oliver HIJANO CUBELOSM. GabayHétérostructures supraconductrices et isolants topologiques
Jean-René SOUQUETI. Safi and P. SimonTransport dans les nanostructures quantiques
Raphaël DE GAILM. GoerbigAspects topologiques des dérivés du graphène
Clément DUTREIXC. BenaImpurity and boundary modes in the honeycomb lattice
Yi LIUJ.-N. Fuchs and F. PiéchonDynamics, Synchronization and Spin Squeezing in a Two-Spin Model
Emilio A. WINOGRADM. RozenbergOrbital-selectivity in strongly correlated fermionic systems. From materials to cold-atoms


Florian SIMONM22020M. Goerbig
Meriem GUERGOUR2020A. Jagannathan
Henri VER HULST2020F. Smallenburg
Simone MONACO2020G. Foffi
Mohamed Seddik OUACEL2020I. Safi
Thibeault FREDONM12020M. Goerbig


Andreas BILLSabbatical, CSU Long BeachM. GoerbigPersonal webpage
Saber ROSTAMZADEHVisiting postdocM. Goerbig
Marwa MANNAIVisiting PhD student3 months (2021)F. PiéchonBand topology
Maria Carolina de OLIVEIRA AGUIARVisiting researcher,
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
12 months (2019)M. CivelliMott transition and disorder
Nathan TEXEIRAVisiting PhD student12 months (2019)M. Civelli
Ronivon LORENÇO-ENEIASVisiting postdoc12 months (2019)M. Civelli
Judit SARIVisiting student3 monthsM. GoerbigExcitations collectives BEDT
Asoke SENInvited professor, Université d’Assam3 weeksR. BotetDiffusion de lumière par des particules nanométriques fractales
Alberto PAROLAInvited professor, Université Insubria1 monthG. Foffi et M. CivelliStrongly correlated electrons and soft matter