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Woo, S Y, Shao, F, Arora, A, Schneider, R, Wu, N, Mayne, A J, Ho, C-H, Och, M, Mattevi, C, Reserbat-Plantey, A, Moreno, Á, Sheinfux, H H, Watanabe, K, Taniguchi, T, Michaelis De Vasconcellos, S, Koppens, F H L, Niu, Z, Stéphan, O, Kociak, M, García De Abajo, F J, Bratschitsch, R, Konečná, A, and Tizei, L H G 2024 Engineering 2D Material Exciton Line Shape with Graphene/ h -BN Encapsulation. Nano Letters, 24(12): 3678–3685. DOI: Download
Auad, Y, Baaboura, J, Blazit, J-D, Tencé, M, Stéphan, O, Kociak, M, and Tizei, L H G 2024 Time calibration studies for the Timepix3 hybrid pixel detector in electron microscopy. Ultramicroscopy, 257: 113889. DOI: Download
Auad, Y, Dias, E J C, Tencé, M, Blazit, J-D, Li, X, Zagonel, L F, Stéphan, O, Tizei, L H G, García de Abajo, F J, and Kociak, M 2023 μeV electron spectromicroscopy using free-space light. Nature Communications, 14(1): 4442. DOI: Download
Chaupard, M, Degrouard, J, Li, X, Stéphan, O, Kociak, M, Gref, R, and De Frutos, M 2023 Nanoscale Multimodal Analysis of Sensitive Nanomaterials by Monochromated STEM-EELS in Low-Dose and Cryogenic Conditions. ACS Nano, 17(4): 3452–3464. DOI:
Varkentina, N, Auad, Y, Woo, S Y, Zobelli, A, Bocher, L, Blazit, J-D, Li, X, Tencé, M, Watanabe, K, Taniguchi, T, Stéphan, O, Kociak, M, and Tizei, L H G 2022 Cathodoluminescence excitation spectroscopy: Nanoscale imaging of excitation pathways. Science Advances, 8(40): eabq4947. DOI: Download
Auad, Y, Walls, M, Blazit, J-D, Stéphan, O, Tizei, L H G, Kociak, M, De la Peña, F, and Tencé, M 2022 Event-based hyperspectral EELS: towards nanosecond temporal resolution. Ultramicroscopy, 239: 113539. DOI: Download
Simon, T, Li, X, Martin, J, Khlopin, D, Stéphan, O, Kociak, M, and Gérard, D 2022 Aluminum Cayley trees as scalable, broadband, multiresonant optical antennas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(4): e2116833119. DOI: Download
Bonnet, N, Lee, H Y, Shao, F, Woo, S Y, Blazit, J-D, Watanabe, K, Taniguchi, T, Zobelli, A, Stéphan, O, Kociak, M, Gradečak, S, and Tizei, L H G 2021 Nanoscale Modification of WS 2 Trion Emission by Its Local Electromagnetic Environment. Nano Letters, 21(24): 10178–10185. DOI:
Auad, Y, Hamon, C, Tencé, M, Lourenço-Martins, H, Mkhitaryan, V, Stéphan, O, García de Abajo, F J, Tizei, L H G, and Kociak, M 2021 Unveiling the Coupling of Single Metallic Nanoparticles to Whispering-Gallery Microcavities. Nano Letters, acs.nanolett.1c03826. DOI: Download
Susarla, S, M. Sassi, L, Zobelli, A, Woo, S Y, Tizei, L H G, Stéphan, O, and Ajayan, P M 2021 Mapping Modified Electronic Levels in the Moiré Patterns in MoS 2/WSe 2 Using Low-Loss EELS. Nano Letters, 21: 4071–4077. DOI:
Mkhitaryan, V, March, K, Tseng, E N, Li, X, Scarabelli, L, Liz-Marzán, L M, Chen, S-Y, Tizei, L H G, Stéphan, O, Song, J-M, Kociak, M, García de Abajo, F J, and Gloter, A 2021 Can Copper Nanostructures Sustain High-Quality Plasmons? Nano Letters, 21(6): 2444–2452. DOI: Download
Li, X, Haberfehlner, G, Hohenester, U, Stéphan, O, Kothleitner, G, and Kociak, M 2021 Three-dimensional vectorial imaging of surface phonon polaritons. Science, 37160: 1364–1367. DOI: Download
Gloter, A, Tieri, G, Li, D, Caputo, M, Strocov, V N, Stéphan, O, Triscone, J-M, and Gariglio, S 2020 Role of point and line defects on the electronic structure of LaAlO 3 /SrTiO 3 interfaces. APL Materials, 8: 041103. DOI:
Gay, C, Letavernier, E, Verpont, M-C, Walls, M, Bazin, D, Daudon, M, Nassif, N, Stéphan, O, and de Frutos, M 2020 Nanoscale Analysis of Randall’s Plaques by Electron Energy Loss Spectromicroscopy: Insight in Early Biomineral Formation in Human Kidney. ACS Nano, 14: 1823–1836. DOI:
Tizei, L H G, Mkhitaryan, V, Lourenço-Martins, H, Scarabelli, L, Watanabe, K, Taniguchi, T, Tencé, M, Blazit, J-D, Li, X, Gloter, A, Zobelli, A, Schmidt, F, Liz-Marzán, L M, García de Abajo, F J, Stéphan, O, and Kociak, M 2020 Tailored nanoscale plasmon-enhanced vibrational electron spectroscopy. Nano Letters. DOI: Download
de Seauve, V, Languille, M-A, Kociak, M, Belin, S, Ablett, J, Andraud, C, Stéphan, O, Rueff, J-P, Fonda, E, and Lavédrine, B 2020 Spectroscopies and electron microscopies unravel the origin of the first colour photographs. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. DOI:
Iori, F, Teurtrie, A, Bocher, L, Popova, E, Keller, N, Stéphan, O, and Gloter, A 2019 Bismuth iron garnet: Ab initio study of electronic properties. Physical Review B, 100. DOI:
Saito, H, Lourenço-Martins, H, Bonnet, N, Li, X, Lovejoy, T C, Dellby, N, Stéphan, O, Kociak, M, and Galvão Tizei, L H 2019 Emergence of point defect states in a plasmonic crystal. Physical Review B, 100. DOI:
Zobelli, A, Woo, S Y, Tararan, A, Tizei, L H G, Brun, N, Li, X, Stéphan, O, Kociak, M, and Tencé, M 2019 Spatial and spectral dynamics in STEM hyperspectral imaging using random scan patterns. Ultramicroscopy, 112912. DOI:
Maho, A, Comeron Lamela, L, Henrist, C, Henrard, L, Tizei, L H G, Kociak, M, Stéphan, O, Heo, S, Milliron, D J, Vertruyen, B, and Cloots, R 2019 Solvothermally-synthesized tin-doped indium oxide plasmonic nanocrystals spray-deposited onto glass as near-infrared electrochromic films. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 200: 110014. DOI:
Das, P, Blazit, J D, Tencé, M, Zagonel, L F, Auad, Y, Lee, Y H, Ling, X Y, Losquin, A, Colliex, C, Stéphan, O, García de Abajo, F J, and Kociak, M 2018 Stimulated electron energy loss and gain in an electron microscope without a pulsed electron gun. Ultramicroscopy. DOI: Download
Kociak, M, Blazit, J-D, Bocher, L, Brun, N, Colliex, C, De Frutos, M, Gloter, A, Li, X, Tencé, M, Tizei, L H G, Walls, M, Zobelli, A, and Stéphan, O 2018 New Directions Toward Nanophysics Experiments in STEM. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 24(S1): 434–435. DOI:
Gloter, A, Badjeck, V, Bocher, L, Brun, N, March, K, Marinova, M, Tencé, M, Walls, M, Zobelli, A, Stéphan, O, and Colliex, C 2017 Atomically resolved mapping of EELS fine structures. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 65: 2–17. DOI:
Popova, E, Shengelaya, A, Daraselia, D, Japaridze, D, Cherifi-Hertel, S, Bocher, L, Gloter, A, Stéphan, O, Dumont, Y, and Keller, N 2017 Bismuth iron garnet Bi 3 Fe 5 O 12 : A room temperature magnetoelectric material. Applied Physics Letters, 110: 142404. DOI:
Kociak, M, Gloter, A, and Stéphan, O 2017 A spectromicroscope for nanophysics. Ultramicroscopy. DOI:
Fowlie, J, Gibert, M, Tieri, G, Gloter, A, Íñiguez, J, Filippetti, A, Catalano, S, Gariglio, S, Schober, A, Guennou, M, Kreisel, J, Stéphan, O, and Triscone, J-M 2017 Conductivity and Local Structure of LaNiO 3 Thin Films. Advanced Materials, 1605197. DOI:
Popova, E, Deb, M, Bocher, L, Gloter, A, Stéphan, O, Warot-Fonrose, B, Berini, B, Dumont, Y, and Keller, N 2017 Interplay between epitaxial strain and low dimensionality effects in a ferrimagnetic oxide. Journal of Applied Physics, 121. DOI:
Verrier, C, Bazin, D, Huguet, L, Stéphan, O, Gloter, A, Verpont, M-C, Frochot, V, Haymann, J-P, Brocheriou, I, Traxer, O, Daudon, M, and Letavernier, E 2016 Topography, Composition and Structure of Incipient Randall Plaque at the Nanoscale Level. The Journal of Urology, 196: 1566–1574. DOI:
Kawasaki, N, Meuret, S, Weil, R, Lourenço-Martins, H, Stéphan, O, and Kociak, M 2016 Extinction and Scattering Properties of High-Order Surface Plasmon Modes in Silver Nanoparticles Probed by Combined Spatially Resolved Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy and Cathodoluminescence. ACS Photonics. DOI:
Bourrellier, R, Meuret, S, Tararan, A, Stéphan, O, Kociak, M, Tizei, L H G, and Zobelli, A 2016 Bright UV Single Photon Emission at Point Defects in h -BN. Nano Letters, 16: 4317. DOI: Download
Tararan, A, Zobelli, A, Benito, A M, Maser, W K, and Stéphan, O 2016 Revisiting Graphene Oxide Chemistry via Spatially-Resolved Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy. Chemistry of Materials, 28: 3741. DOI:
Gibert, M, Viret, M, Zubko, P, Jaouen, N, Tonnerre, J-M, Torres-Pardo, A, Catalano, S, Gloter, A, Stéphan, O, and Triscone, J-M 2016 Interlayer coupling through a dimensionality-induced magnetic state. Nature Communications, 7: 11227. DOI:
Colliex, C, Kociak, M, and Stéphan, O 2016 Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy imaging of surface plasmons at the nanometer scale. Ultramicroscopy, 162: A1–A24. DOI:
Gibert, M, Viret, M, Torres-Pardo, A, Piamonteze, C, Zubko, P, Jaouen, N, Tonnerre, J-M, Mougin, A, Fowlie, J, Catalano, S, Gloter, A, Stéphan, O, and Triscone, J-M 2015 Interfacial Control of Magnetic Properties at LaMnO 3 /LaNiO 3 Interfaces. Nano Letters, 15: 7355–7361. DOI:
Marinova, M, Rault, J E, Gloter, A, Nemsak, S, Palsson, G K, Rueff, J-P, Fadley, C S, Carrétéro, C, Yamada, H, March, K, Garcia, V, Fusil, S, Barthélémy, A, Stéphan, O, Colliex, C, and Bibes, M 2015 Depth Profiling Charge Accumulation from a Ferroelectric into a Doped Mott Insulator. Nano Letters, 15: 2533–2541. DOI:
Losquin, A, Zagonel, L F, Myroshnychenko, V, Rodríguez-González, B, Tencé, M, Scarabelli, L, Förstner, J, Liz-Marzán, L M, García de Abajo, F J, Stéphan, O, and Kociak, M 2015 Unveiling Nanometer Scale Extinction and Scattering Phenomena through Combined Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy and Cathodoluminescence Measurements. Nano Letters, 150120134914003. DOI: Download