Selection of nice images coming out of our studies. Observation of chiral DW in ferrimagnets without heavy metals by XPEEM Reversal of skyrmion deflection in GdCo across magnetic compensation Vortex domain wall in a NiFe track NV center imaging of Bloch domain walls in Ta/CoFeB/MgO Fe5GeTe2 flake during the process of covering by an hBN flake Simulated spectrum of the magnetic precession of two coupled perpendicular domain walls, as a function of a tunning field MFM image of magnetic domains in a 5 µm diameter NiPd ring Ferrimagnetic domain walls move in tracks driven by spin currents Nucleation of magnetic skyrmions in a magnetic nanotrack Ballistic electron emission microscopy image of a 360° domain wall in Cu/Co/Cu layer Current induced motion of domain walls in GaMnAs (Collab. A. Lemaître, C2N - Univ. Paris-Saclay) Ballistic electron emission microscopy imaging of domain walls in Au/Co/Au/Co/Au showing flux closure domain walls Sketch of a device for synthetic spin-orbit generation in a carbon nanotube, induced by the stray field from periodic magnetic domains NV center imaging of a NiFe 5 µm wide square, in a vortex configuration (collab. V. Jacques L2C, Montpellier) Scaled energy barrier to move a domain wall in a disordered magnetic film DMI in Co/hBN heterostructures investigated by Brillouin Light Scattering Atomic scale simulation of the random walk of a skyrmion in Co/Pt(111)