2 new PhD’s in the group in October 2024
Welcome to Ettore and Edgar !!
In the quest for new materials, one can either explore the collections of a natural sciences museum in order to see what Nature offers, or synthetize them from our ideas …
Stanislas Rohart obtained the degree Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR, Accreditation to Direct Research) on October 4th 2021, after presenting his thesis entitled “Innovating Spin Textures for Spintronics“. The …
Magnetic precession – the rotation of the magnetisation around an applied torque — seems an unavoidable obstacle to faster magnetic devices. Now, researchers at the LPS have shown that magnetic …
A magnetic domain wall moving in a magnetic film, a droplet sliding on a rough surface, a fracture propagating in a brittle material or a half-cooked spaghetti moving on a …
Magnetic skyrmions may be the future information carriers in information technologies. We have identified a new sample structure which favors their stability and demonstrated how to control them with an …
André Thiaville, a CNRS researcher at the LPS, was invited to give the prestigious Wohlfarth Lecture at the last meeting of the Institute of Physics (IOP) Magnetism group held in York …