You will find here an overview of the equipment available in the lab.
- STM lab equipped with an acoustic isolation system
- Very low frequency damping of the STM cryostat
- Shot noise STM
- STM used in the lab with in-situ amplification
- View of the optidry setup to detect surface plasmon polaritons with superconducting detectors
- View of the optidry setup to detect surface plasmon polaritons with superconducting detectors
- View of the optidry setup to detect surface plasmon polaritons with superconducting detectors - Optical access
- Wet dilution fridge equipped with a 3D vector magnet
- Wet dilution fridge equipped with a 3D vector magnet and electronics
- Cryoconcept pulsed-tube dilution fridge and the electronics
- Bluefors SD dilution fridge
- Microwave and dc electronics
- "Minute fridge". Pumped He cryostat operating down to 1.2K in one hour.
- Direct writing lithography system DMO
- Spin coater
- Scriber
- Profilometer Dektak
- Probe station
- RIE ICP Oxford Cobra
- Scanning electron microscope Zeiss equipped with EDX and electronic lithography capabilities
- Ultra high vacuum evaporation chamber for superconductors
- Ultra high vacuum evaporation chamber for superconductors