Our research team has a strong commitment to innovative teaching, intricately linked with our research activities at the Université Paris-Saclay and elsewhere. Some details may be found on personal pages linked below. Our team’s dedication to integrating research with teaching underscores our belief in a hands-on, research-driven educational approach. Our approach not only inspires students but also significantly benefits our research. By engaging in these teaching activities, researchers gain increased visibility and awareness within the academic community. This commitment manifests in several educational initiatives:

  • Summer Schools in Quebec and France: We organized summer schools that provided immersive learning experiences. These programs bridge theoretical knowledge with practical application, offering students a hands-on approach to understanding complex scientific concepts.
  • Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy Course: This course exemplifies our approach to education, merging classroom learning with research. Students gain practical experience in STM, a pivotal tool in nanotechnology and surface science, preparing them for advanced research opportunities.
  • Lab/Practical on Quantum Hall Effect in Graphene: We offer a specialized course focusing on the Quantum Hall Effect in graphene. This class combines theoretical studies with experimental practices, allowing students to explore the fascinating properties of graphene and its significant role in modern physics.
  • Macroscopic Quantum Phenomena: Aligning closely with our research group’s focus, we provide education  on macroscopic quantum phenomena. This course delves into quantum mechanics at a larger scale, reflecting the cutting-edge research conducted within our group.
  • Introduction to Superconductivity: Our curriculum also includes a masters level lecture focusing on Introduction to Superconductivity. This course is designed for students interested in condensed matter physics and materials science. It covers the fundamental principles of superconductivity, including the Meissner effect, and definitions of type I and II superconductors.
  • Quantum Information Theory: We also offer a masters level lecture series on Quantum Information Theory, tailored for students with a strong interest in quantum computing and theoretical physics. This lecture series delves into the core concepts and advanced topics in quantum information, including quantum computation, entanglement, and quantum cryptography.
  • Quantum Master Equation for Electronic Transport: Our team offers a specialized summer school for doctoral students and researchers on Quantum Master Equations. This advanced program focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects of these equations, providing an intensive study of their mathematical framework and physical implications.
  • Experimental Projects with Research-Oriented Methodology: In week-long experimental projects, team members introduce students to scientific inquiry through a research-oriented approach. These projects blend hands-on experience with active learning, allowing students to engage with real research projects. This integration of research into the curriculum provides insight into the rigors and excitement of scientific research, showcasing our team’s advanced work.

Julien Basset

Jérôme Estève

Julien Gabelli

Freek Massee

Alexandra Palacio Morales

Charis Quay