A new symposium dedicated to students and young researchers, who study microbes in all their forms and from the perspective of any discipline. Orsay, February 5-6 2024


Among the organizers : Aurélien Ricard and Eric Raspaud

The interdisciplinary MICROBES symposium is a yearly internal meeting where the teams of the Paris-Saclay MICROBES community present their research. Orsay, September 7-8 2022
Among the organizers: Eric Raspaud

The 5th International Conference on Physics and Biological Systems (PhysBio 2021). Palaiseau, Ecole Polytechnique, scheduled on June 22-25 2021

Among the organizers :
Marion Lherbette and Eric Raspaud
Training dedicated to climate change and energetic issues. Orsay, June 7-10 2021

Among the organizers : Catherine Even
Popularization seminars for the general public entitled ” le Petit Séminaire de Vulgarisation”, open to the whole university and more.
See https://www.lps.u-psud.fr/spip.php?rubrique231

Organizers : Catherine Even and Marie-France Mariotto, before COVID pandemic
Selected Talk given by Marion Lherbette to the 9th workshop organized by the french Biofilms network, Nancy, December 3-4 2019
The best lecture award for an outstanding oral presentation at the 21st international Hair-science symposium HairS’19, Schluchsee Sept 11-13 2019
Laureate : Laura Sabatier

A workshop focused on climate change teaching. Orsay, June 28th 2019
Among the organizers : Catherine Even
The 4th International Conference on Physics and Biological Systems
(PhysBio 2018). Gif-sur-Yvette, Oct 22-24 2018


Among the committee members :
Laura Sabatier and Eric Raspaud (Chair)
Contribution of Laura Sabatier to the french popularization series “e=M6”. 2018, September 24th
A PALM international and multidisciplinary summer school took place at Gif-sur-Yvette (Centre Frachon), from August 28th to September 06th, 2018. It aimed to bring together world-leading physicists and biologists interested in microbial life, international students (masters students, graduate students, post-docs) and young and senior scientists, to provide a comprehensive overview of the current progress
Organizers : Pietro Cicuta (UK), Knut Drescher (GER), Eric Raspaud (FRA)
a publication entitled ” La mécanique des biofilms à la surface des liquides” published in the review of the french physicists society. 2018 jan-feb, n° 56.
Authors : Carine Douarche, Virginie Bailleux, Catherine Even, Jean-Marc Allain, Christophe Regeard and Eric Raspaud