Maître de Conférence, Université Paris-Saclay,
Non Permanents / Visitors
Emilie Leccia & Angélique Deckers, Danilo Rosa Nunes, Novitom’s visitors
Mohend Chaouche, visitor, CNRS, ENS Paris-Saclay.
Yves Lansac, visitor, Tours University (France)
Anne-Soisig Steunou, visitor, CNRS-CEA, Université Paris-Saclay
Aurélien Ricard, PhD student (2022-2025)
Nathan Berda, PhD student (2024-2027)
Gauthier Leclercq, PhD student (2023-2026)
Arthur Loup, PhD student (2024-2027)
Interns, Past visitors and members
from left to right :
Théo Lin & Raphaël Lajeunesse, Double-Licence 2 Physique-Chimie
Zoé Chohin-Tamic, Magistère 1, Physique ; Charlotte André, Magistère 1, Chimie-Physique
Eryk Bayle et Maxence Bard, Magistère 1 Physique
Pierre Surut, M1 Energie-Matériaux; Marjolaine Vincent, M2 Chimie du Solide; Yahya Harit, M1 Génie des procédés
Elodie Jin, Mathilde Begarin, Lola Menard, Double-Licence 2 Phys-Chimie
Emmanuelle Baudu, PhD student at Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, visited the lab during one month, in February 2024
Sacha Manoukian, Master 1 Energie-Matériaux; Pradyot Samartha, M1 General Physics; Nathan Berda, M2 PIE-NTE
Diogo Lopes Simao, Polytech Paris-Saclay, 4th year; Valentin Bonnet, magistere 1, Chimie-Phys; Nemetan Teixeira Rua, magistere 1, Physique.
Yun Hee Jang and Yves Lansac, Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology (Korea) and Tours University (France) visited the two biophysics team for a 7-month period
Selma Ezzekmi, Michelle Odjinkem, Aya Ettalii, Double-Licence 2 Phys-Chimie
Marjolaine Vincent, magistère 2-M1, Chimie-Phys; Aurélien Ricard, Master 2 Concepts Phys et Systèmes Bio; Nathan Berda, Master 1 Energie-Matériaux.
Elena Fernandez Oché, M1 General Physics
Lucie Meunier, magistère 1, Chimie-Phys.
Eva Kolodkina, Double-Licence 3, Math-Phys
Leo Pereyre, magistère 1, Physique
Clara Lepastourel, double licence 3 Phys- Math; Louis Genain, double licence 3, Phys-Chimie; Marjolaine Vincent, magistère 1, Chimie-Phys.
Youness Boumlaik, Dyna Hadroug, Master 1, Energie
Marion Lherbette (Sept. 2018-2021) defended her PhD on July 22 2021, entitled « Exploration multi-échelle de l’électroactivité bactérienne au travers de l’étude de la biocorrosion du fer »; since Sept. 2021, Marion teaches Physics and Chemistry in Lycée & BTS.
Christian Marlière, biophysicist, Directeur de recherche CNRS, is now retired. He left the lab end of 2021 and was a visitor from 2019-2021.
Djibril-Ruben Montaville, Alexis Poisson, Double Licence 2, Phys-Chimie
Laura Sabatier, PhD defended on June, 26th 2020 and entitled « Étude des conséquences de traitements physiques sur le cheveu, de l’échelle moléculaire à celle de la fibre » ; since then she was recruited by L’Oréal
Fabien Baudribos, Izïa Meyre-Baque, Nemo Malhomme, Magistere 1 Phys
Ahmadji Ursulet, Anouk Blouet, Mathieu Hejoaka, Double Licence 2 Phys Chimie
Guillaume Megret Cavalier, Licence 2 Chimie Bio; Guillaume Simon, Licence 3, Phys Appl.
Richard Wild, Dylan Letessier, Magistère 1 Phys; Gaia Tornafol, Magistère 1 Bio
Marion Lherbette, Master 2 Phys-Bio; Mathieu Letrou, Eloic Ferdinand, Master 1 Phys Appl.
Indirah Pordie, Bachira Assimak, Double Licence 2 Phys Chimie