Microphotoluminescence by a triple-cation mixed halide perovskite under UV excitation
Green light emission from nanotubes bunches under UV excitation (image scale 500 µm)
Representation of charge-density-wave solitons
Principle of an ultrafast x-ray diffraction experiment, with laser pump and x-ray probe pulses
Green photoluminescence from CH3NH3PbBr3 single crystals showing mesas and pyramids formation at the surface, observed with a blue laser excitation through an OLYMPUS optical microscope.
Laue diffraction pattern of Silicon
(300) reflection of an acoustically-excited langasite crystal
Photoluminescence image of a 2d Ruddlesden-Popper hybrid perovskite single crystal under UV light, that displays a mix of phases n=1 and n=2
Self-organization of a bromide hybrid perovskite thin film deposited on glass (tubes around 1 micron in diameter)