MORPHology and structure of nanomatErials stUdied by X-ray Scattering

This platform of X-ray scattering experiments is well-adapted to the study of nanostructured materials (nanoparticles, nanoobjects, nano- and meso-porous materials, liquid crystals, composites, biomaterials, polymers, etc). It allows the structural characterization of objects over a wide range of sizes to determine their morphology, crystallinity or organization.

Techniques implemented on the platform are:

The complementary of X-ray scattering experiments (SAXS and WAXS) allows access to a wide range of q scattering wavevectors q and corresponding distances d :

Measurements and analysis can be performed on isotropic samples (powders, suspensions), but also on oriented samples (fibers, films, membranes …) to study anisotropy or preferential orientation at different scales, thanks to the expertise of MATRIX team. Various conditions are also available (temperatures, controlled humidity, magnetic and electric fields, …).

Examples: a) Fe2O3 nanoparticles aligned in a magnetic field [1], b) cobalt supracrystals [2], c) hydration of a graphene oxide film [3], d) fiber of imogolite nanotube.

Access conditions:

The platform is open to external teams and laboratories through:

  • scientific collaborative projects
  • services including: user formation and support , measurements and data analysis , experimental reports

The access to the platform is possible after contact and discussion about the objective and feasibility of the experiment with the platform managers.


Jennifer BODIN