There are three SAXS set-ups (SAXS-Cu, MODIX, PADIX) which differ according to the radiation wavelength and their respective accessible scattering wavevectors domain.

1. SAXS-Cu

SAXS-Cu setup

Instrumental: GENIX3D ultra low divergence system (Xenocs corp), Motorized hybrid slits, hybrid pixel detector (Pilatus 200K, Dectris corp.).

D = 1620 mm, 4 mm diameter beamstop, dmax = 80 nm ↔ Qmin = 8.10-3 Å-1


Simultaneous small and wide angle scattering measurements with Molybdenum radiation, well-adapted for measuring strong absorbing samples.

Instrumental : Molybdenum rotating anode generator, multilayer mirrors optics, hybrid anti-scattering slits, motorized autosampler, removable beamstop (two different size), flux measurement diode, MAR345 image-plate detector.

Accessible scattering wavevector domains :

  • Qmin = 3.10-2 Å-1, Qmax = 3 Å-1 (large beamstop with diode)
  • Qmin = 1.5.10 -2 Å-1, Qmax = 3 Å-1 (small beamstop)


Instrumental : rotating Copper anode microfocus generator (Rigaku Micromax007), multilayer mirrors optics, sample translation and rotation motorized stages, CCD (MarCCD) and hybrid-pixel (XPADS70) detectors.

Accessible Q wavevectors domain : Qmin = 2.10-2 Å-1, Qmax = 5.10-1 Å-1 ↔ dmin = 1.25 nm, dmax = 31 nm