IMPORTANT: New email addresses
Following the cyber-attack on the University of Paris-Saclay’s servers, the messaging system is temporarily out of order. For any request, please send a message to erwan-nicolas.paineau-lanone[AT]
Following the cyber-attack on the University of Paris-Saclay’s servers, the messaging system is temporarily out of order. For any request, please send a message to erwan-nicolas.paineau-lanone[AT]
Pascale Launois, CNRS Research Director at the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides d’Orsay, has been awarded the “André Guinier” prize by the Association Française de Cristallographie. The Association Française de …
Researchers at the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides have studied the self-assembly of liquid-crystal particles inside a droplet when the latter evaporates within an acoustic levitator. The resulting structures formed …
On May 17, Erwan Paineau was awarded the young researcher prize by the French clay group at its annual conference in Grenoble. Erwan was rewarded for the excellence and originality …
Researchers have developed a new method to introduce controlled disorder intro crystals of anisotropic gold nanoparticles. This result, at the crossroad between chemistry and engineering, offers prospects for the synthesis …
Imogolite nanotubes (INTs) are unique anisometric particles with monodisperse nanometric diameters while the aspect ratio can be controlled by the synthesis conditions. It thus appears as an interesting model system …
There are different methods, which generate quasiperiodic tilings. In a recent study, researchers from the MATRIX team propose a new method based on grids of regular tessellations of the plane …
Gradient Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (PFG-NMR) allows to measure the diffusion coefficients of molecular and macromolecular species. The probed scales correspond to the nanometric and micrometric domains found in ‘nano’ …
Multiferroic compounds are widely studied for their magnetoelectric coupling, enabling polarization, for example, to be manipulated using a magnetic field. A new electronic state has just been discovered in the …
In collaboration with a researcher from the University of Pennsylvania and a Ukrainian scientist, a professor from the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (Paris-Saclay) has shed light on three-dimensional architecture …